Tagged: strategy guides

The Strategy Game Guide Blog

Now this blog over here is designed to keep you chaps updated on how the events unfold in the world of gaming. The update speed is up to me to decide so probably I will be posting stuff here every week or every fortnight or once a month or any other interval. However most posts will be related to one of my bigger blogs on which I will post the main articles. And here we shall have just a few short updated posts.

Stuff like game guides, strategy guides, video games news, articles, reviews for both games and guides. Main topics include World of Warcraft (WoW), Starcraft,  Call of Duty, Lineage, Star Wars, Sims, Need for Speed or any other game that really looks cool and I had time to play or watch anyone else play. Occasionally we also have some walkthroughs and or kind of stuff, but really it all remains to be seen. For now just drop by Strategy Game Guides.Com and check out the latest updates.

And that was quite about it, hope to be back with many nice posts soon enough. Till then have good fun y’all!