Tagged: wow updates

Basically plenty of Warcraft related stuff and not much else …

So I guess the title is very explicit as to what kind of updates we are dealing with these days since just a couple days ago things got updated with Warcraft and patch 6.0.2 went live and everyone went crazy and there were a lot of visitors and few buyers and so on and so forth … Anyways the majority of the updates inlclude stuff related to Blizzard’s biggest title ever and I believe that for some time it will remain like that wether we like it or not, but do not despair there are plenty of other stuff for those who aren’t into mmorpg’s as well like … More mmorpg’s that aren’t Warcraft like … Hellgate London (I’m sure you’ll find the post somewhere on the right if you look carefully). And then there are a lot of WoW Guides and Reviews and Features and other similar stuff in which we try to sell stuff … Like for real yo! Just check these out:

The Story of Warcraft (in a nutshell)

Patch 6.0.2 Survival Guide


The Dugi Guides bundle was also one nice cute post that took us some time to deal with, but in the end it all worked out pretty well so there’s no need to complain about it, even if the dude is totally underselling, nobody gives a shit! Anyways now for the final video do allow me to rock your house with a pretty badass cinematic/game/rock compilation Hellgate style!

Hellgate London – Primo Victoria


 And finally there’s girls as well so if none of the other things appeal to your wicked senses do feel free to check out the night elf babes from the fourth post of its kind. If I think of it there might still be like three and I will be done with this game as well and the cute young ladies that inhabit it, but up until then we still have a ton of work to do so feel free to check things out as they get updated. Till next update, which might just be sooner than you think in a much more subtle, more professional and less funny manner, y’all have a good time, eh?